【B Lab Interview】No.14 Leesa Soulodre part1

世界最大規模を誇る女性起業家向けピッチコンテスト「She Loves Tech」を推進し、またディープテックのクロスボーダーベンチャーキャピタルR3i Groupの創業ジェネラルパートナーであるLeesa Soulodreさん。これまで400以上の多国籍企業やスタートアップのコンサルを行い、2023年には「Five Most Rising Women Leaders to Watch in 2023 (CIO Magazine)」「10 Transformational Business Leaders in 2023 (CIO Magazine)」「10 elite Business Women to Watch in 2023 (EliteX)」に選出されました。ルクセンブルグの起業・イノベーション事情に詳しいLeesaさんにお話しを伺いました。
Q. 簡単に自己紹介をお願いします!
こんにちは。AIと持続可能な開発に特化したディープテック・クロスボーダー・ベンチャーキャピタル「R3iグループ」の創業ジェネラル・パートナー、また「R3iキャピタル」のマネージング・パートナーのLeesa Soulodreです。
最先端のイノベーション、テクノロジー、戦略コンサルティング分野で20年以上活動してきたシリアルアントレプレナーでもあります。これまでに、ヨーロッパ、アジア太平洋、アメリカ大陸の19のセクターにおいて、400社以上の多国籍企業や スタートアップ企業にアドバイスを行い、シード段階から140億米ドルを投じて新市場へ参入する企業を導き、投資先企業のために2億7,000万ドル以上の資金を調達しました。スマートシティ、サイバーセキュリティ、医療技術、ヘルスケア、人工知能の分野で専門的な業界知識を有しています。
SMU Cox Business Schoolの戦略・起業実務のClinical Professor、またLuxembourg Business School、 Singapore Management University、IE Business Schoolの客員教員でもあります。AIの影響に関する調査を行っている学際的研究機関であるグローバル・シンクタンク「The AI Asia Pacific Institute」の諮問委員も務めています。
Q. ルクセンブルグを拠点としているLeesaさん。ルクセンブルグは多くの起業家や海外投資家を惹きつける拠点として知られてますが、同国のスタートアップシーンについて教えてください!
Q. She Loves Tech Japanの発起人であり、女性の活躍を後押ししているLeesaさん。本活動について、そして推進する想いを教えていただけますか?
私は幼少期をオーストラリアで過ごしましたが、日本人の交換留学生と手紙を通じて長年にわたり友情を築いてきました。人と人との強固な結びつきは、起業と経済発展の基盤と言えるでしょう。学校で日本語を学び、その後も文化にも親しみのある日本の女性起業家と交流する中で、彼女たちが直面している障壁が私の経験よりもはるかに大きいことを実感しました。「She Loves Tech」を日本に持ち込めば、仲間の起業家や娘たち、未来を担う世代の将来をより良いものにできると思いました。
Leesa Soulodre is the driving force behind She Loves Tech, the world’s largest pitch contest for women entrepreneurs, and founding General Partner of R3i Group, a deep-tech cross-border venture capital firm. She has consulted with more than 400 multinational companies and startups and has been named one of the Five Most Rising Women Leaders to Watch in 2023 (CIO Magazine) and 10 Transformational Business Leaders in 2023 (CIO Magazine), and 10 Elite Business Women to Watch in 2023 (EliteX). We spoke with Leesa, an expert on entrepreneurship and innovation around the world.
Q. Can you briefly introduce yourself?
I am the founding General Partner of R3i Group and the Managing Partner of R3i Capital, a deeptech cross-border venture capital firm focused on artificial intelligence and sustainable development.
I am also a serial entrepreneur with over 20 years of experience in cutting-edge innovation, technology, and strategy consulting. I have advised more than 400 multinationals and start-ups in 19 sectors across Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the Americas and led companies from the seed stage to $14B USD into new markets, raising more than 270M in capital for portfolio companies. I hold expert industry expertise in smart cities, cybersecurity, medtech and healthcare, and artificial intelligence.
I am a Clinical Professor of Practice at SMU Cox Business School in Strategy and Entrepreneurship and an adjunct faculty member at Luxembourg Business School, Singapore Management University and IE Business School. I serve on the advisory board of the global Think Tank, The AI Asia Pacific Institute, an independent, interdisciplinary research institute examining the implications of artificial intelligence.
Q. I heard that you are based in Luxembourg. Can you tell me about the startup scene there?
Luxembourg is an exceptional launchpad for entering European markets. With its strategic location in the heart of Europe, its stable economy, favorable tax regime, and supportive government initiatives, Luxembourg has rapidly grown into a hub for startups and entrepreneurship, offering a supportive ecosystem with incubators, accelerators, and co-working spaces for startups. Its small size also makes Luxembourg an ideal test market for new products and services, and its commercial and political neutrality fosters strong international business relationships, including long-standing diplomatic and commercial relations with Japan.
Access to funding is abundant in Luxembourg, with sources including venture capital, angel investors, private equity funds, and non-dilutive funding from the Luxembourg Ministry of Economy and European Innovation Council for R&D and commercialization. The country’s straightforward and business-friendly environment, flexible legal framework, and multilingual workforce attract companies looking to start or relocate activities.
Luxembourg’s dynamic labor market offers exciting job opportunities and competitive salaries, making it an appealing workplace. The country’s commitment to becoming a trusted data hub makes it a leader in information and communication technologies, providing excellent digital infrastructure for businesses.
Outside the office, Luxembourg is a safe place for families that offers a high quality of life, including an excellent health system, solid salaries, stunning landscapes, and a rich cultural scene. Luxembourg’s inclusive and multicultural approach welcomes foreign nationals, with over 170 nationalities finding a home in the country. The country also boasts one of Europe’s most appealing social security systems for those planning their retirements.
Overall, Luxembourg offers a thriving and supportive environment for startups, entrepreneurs, and their families, making the country a preferred destination for startups looking to establish a strong presence in Europe.
Q. You are the founder of She Loves Tech Japan and is actively supporting women’s empowerment. Could you please tell us more about this initiative and the motivation behind driving it forward?
Despite the fact that Japan has a population of more than 125 million people, unfortunately the population of women entrepreneurs is by far the smallest. To have climate-resilient societies, we must include women in transforming our economies.
As a child, I grew up in Australia with my fellow Japanese exchange students forging friendships as pen pals across the years – strong people-to-people ties – the very foundations for entrepreneurship and economic development. Learning Japanese in school and having a strong cultural affinity with my fellow female founders, it struck me that their challenges were so much more significant than mine. I thought if we bring She Loves Tech to Japan, together, we could improve the outlook for our fellow founders and our daughters – for our future generations.
Now we connect via social media and the metaverse in real-time (!) I’m so excited to bring entrepreneurship into the heart of every Japanese home, where women can access what they need on-demand, any time.