【B Lab 研究員紹介】No.11 齊藤 大将さん

様々な業界の第一線で活躍する「B Lab研究員」を紹介するシリーズ。今月は、エストニアの国立大学タリン工科大学で物理学修士号を取得した後、株式会社シュタインズの代表取締役兼開発者を務める齊藤大将さんにお話を伺いました。
齊藤 大将(Hiromasa Saito)
Q. 齊藤さんの活動について教えてください!

Q. B Labでの活動に関して教えてください!
Q. iUバーチャル研究室での活動に関して教えてください!
iUで開講しているバーチャル研究室では、ゲームのように現実の日常生活へ没入できるための社会や技術についてグローバルな視点で研究・開発しました。テクノロジーを使って社会貢献やゲーム世界のようにこの世界を救うAlternativeReality、また身体や精神をサポートしたり、Accesible TechやInclusive designを考え、実際にプロジェクトを始めることを目指します。(例:目が見えない人の美術鑑賞はどうしたらできるだろうか、目が見えない人にファッションを楽しんでもらう方法は?など)
Hiromasa Saito
Steins, CEO
Hiromasa Saito holds a Master of Science in Physics from the Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia’s national university. During his studies, he started his own business in the field guidance business, and in graduate school he worked on numerical analysis of literature. After graduation, he worked as a freelance engineer based in Estonia and created a VR school and VR museum. As a CNET columnist, he has two serials on Estonia and VR. He is also a former tennis coach and visiting professor at iU.
Can you please tell me about your activities?
Hello! I’m Hiromasa Saito, the representative director of Stein’s Co., Ltd.I earned a Master’s degree in Physics from Tallinn University of Technology in Estonia, where I researched numerical analysis of literature during my graduate studies. Prior to that, I worked as a tennis coach. Upon returning to Japan, I co-founded Stein’s Co., Ltd. with angel investors and assumed the role of representative. Our company focuses on the “research and development of technology x education,” and we are currently planning and developing the financial education service “Moneychat.” I believe that technology can help address the various challenges facing financial education in Japanese society.
In my spare time, I enjoy creating and managing museums and schools in the metaverse, as well as exploring the unique culture and society of virtual spaces. As a hobby, I write a column for CNET about Estonia and VR.
Can you please tell me about your activities at B Lab?
At BLab, my goal is to address social and cultural issues through an immersive and interdisciplinary approach that integrates humanities, science, and engineering.Although technology is advancing rapidly, we believe that real-world experiences are becoming increasingly scarce compared to digital ones. The problem is not a lack of technology or information, but rather an overabundance and unequal distribution of both. That’s why we’re collaborating with IU students on research into VR-based entertainment for people with disabilities, exploring cultural dynamics in the metaverse, and gamifying real-world social and cultural experiences.
Can you please tell me about your activities at iU Virtual Lab?
At iU’s virtual research laboratory, we conduct research and development on social and technological aspects that allow us to explore everyday life from a global perspective, similar to games. Our goal is to contribute to society and make a positive impact, much like Alternative Reality games, using technology. We prioritize Accessible Tech and Inclusive design to support physical and mental health. Our current focus is on developing projects that explore how individuals with visual impairments can appreciate art or enjoy fashion.
We stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and designs, such as VR and Metaverse, as well as internet mechanics. For those who are interested in learning and conducting research, we offer opportunities to write programs, create services, and write papers. We are also exploring the possibility of holding research labs and lectures in VR.